Watercolor Polaroids
Summer Sunsets
Are you ready to paint the smallest details to create the biggest impact?

Welcome to Watercolor Polaroids: Summer Sunsets—an easy, approachable painting experience designed for anyone who loves the idea of capturing beauty in a petite format.

What you'll learn in this class:

This class challenges you to reinterpret your compositions, since creating art on a smaller workspace challenges you to focus on the essentials, sharpen your skills, and think outside (er… inside?) the box.

  • Create impactful compositions on a tiny scale
    You'll learn to design balanced, eye-catching compositions that make a big impression in a small space.

  • Pick the perfect color combinations
    Understand how to use color to convey the atmosphere you choose to bring your miniature scenes to life with the exact feeling you intend to capture.

  • Paint tiny slivers of summertime
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Endless summer incoming

$12 USD

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  • Total payment
  • 1xWatercolor Polaroids: Summer Sunsets$12

All prices in USD